vrijdag 1 januari 1993

When in doubt... just post.

Though I officially started the first one in 1992, I thought i finished it in januar 1993. Does it matter? Not really, but I just want to be thorough, for once.

”One day meditation”

The whole operation took only five minutes
One did the shouting
One did the running
And I did the jumping and waved my arms
Highly astonished the sun coloured the beach
when she tried to climb the horizon

Wish I could meditate
for only one day
Would live my life
in twenty-four houres

oil on something
(17 x 35)

”Miracles & visions do uccur”

Miracles and visions do occur
as the morning suns’ beams
draw architectural structures

various techniques on chipboard
(56.5 x 57)

”Noone alive is innocent”

There was a child at the door
and it knew how to knock with a questionmark
Noone alive is innocent
"Am I guilty for laughing?"
the child asked the priest
and he thought a ball of fire
would come from his mouth
Then I saw my finger pointed in the air
My hand closed, needles formed a crown of thorns
Through & through & yet, no blood
Sometimes I'm alive & I see
the world only moves out of habit
& I try to slow down its' speed
Sometimes I wonder
how women put miracles together
I watch & I wonder
I enjoy & I fear

oil on panel
(24 x 44, 24 x 44)

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Een reactie posten

A warm wellmeant thank you for this sponteanious reaction. I estimate it to be about 37.3. Celsius, that is, for the foreign in origin. One can only go crazy so far...